International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research

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International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research (IJCBR) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2014 and is published under auspices of the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF), aim to uplift researchers, scholars, academicians, and professionals in all academic and scientific disciplines. IESRF is dedicated to the transfer of technology and research by publishing scientific journals, research content, providing professional’s membership, and conducting conferences, seminars, and award more...

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Short Communication

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346- 348

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Poonam Agrawal*

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Role of ‘Role play’ in teaching ‘Progression of Learning’ in all the three domains [cognitive, psychomotor and affective] for medical teachers

Short Communication

Author Details : Poonam Agrawal*

Volume : 9, Issue : 4, Year : 2022

Article Page : 346-348

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Role play is an important and interesting educational tool and it provides ample opportunity for learner to learn at both cognitive and affective domain simultaneously. Role play is favoured by both learners and instructors at the same time, as this activity breaks the monotony, brings variation and make the learner active and involved. Each domain of learning has multiple levels of learning that progresses from more basic surface level learning to more complex deeper level learning. Author wish to share her personal experience of implementing role-play as a novel approach to teach three learning domains and the progression of learning. Participants were faculty who were attending revised basic course workshop. All the participants were divided into three groups representing one domain of learning. Group one represented cognitive [knowledge] domain. Group two represented psychomotor [skill] domain. Group three represented affective or attitudinal domain. They were assigned task related to their domain and wee asked to express progression of learning of their domain. All the participants found activity very useful and enjoyed learning the progression of learning in an enjoyable manner.

Keywords: Role play, Progression of learning, Domain of learning, Andragogy, Cognitive domain, Psychomotor domain, Affective domain.

How to cite : Agrawal P, Role of ‘Role play’ in teaching ‘Progression of Learning’ in all the three domains [cognitive, psychomotor and affective] for medical teachers. Int J Clin Biochem Res 2022;9(4):346-348

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