International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research

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International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research (IJCBR) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2014 and is published under auspices of the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF), aim to uplift researchers, scholars, academicians, and professionals in all academic and scientific disciplines. IESRF is dedicated to the transfer of technology and research by publishing scientific journals, research content, providing professional’s membership, and conducting conferences, seminars, and award more...

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216- 222

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Santosh Fupare, Bina M. Gadhiya, Rajesh K. Jambhulkar, Archana Tale

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Correlation of Thyroid Hormones with FSH, LH and Prolactin in Infertility in the Reproductive Age Group Women


Author Details : Santosh Fupare, Bina M. Gadhiya, Rajesh K. Jambhulkar, Archana Tale

Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2015

Article Page : 216-222

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Introduction: The prevalence of infertility is estimated to be between 12 and 14%. It thus represents a common condition, with important medical, economic and psychological implications. Proper evaluation of these disorders involves a multidimensional diagnostic approach. The present study was carried out to correlate thyroid hormones with FSH, LH and prolactin in infertility in the reproductive age group women.
Aim: The aim of this research work was to correlate thyroid hormones with FSH, LH and prolactin in infertility in the reproductive age group women.
Material and Methods: Total 120 infertile women, and 80 normal fertile women volunteers were selected on OPD basis between age group of 19 to 45 years. Out of 120 infertile women, 80 were of primary infertility and 40 of secondary infertility. They were screened for thyroid hormone status by Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA).
Result and Discussion: Prolactin and TSH were positively correlated with each other. They were also negatively correlated with LH, FSH & T3 in infertile groups. Therefore we can say that hyperprolactinemia & hypothyroidism plays key role in etiopathogenesis of infertility.
Long standing hypothyroidism may develop ovulatory dysfunction, and hyperprolactinemia. So identifying and treating hypothyroidism at an earlier stage before the appearance of ovulatory dysfunction and hyperprolactinemia, can have potentially great preventive value. So TSH screening of all females of early reproductive age group should be done so as to detect subclinical thyroid problem and to prevent infertility risk.

Key Words: Infertility, Thyroid hormones, FSH, LH, Prolactin, Chemiluminescence, Hypothyroidism etc

How to cite : Fupare S, Gadhiya B M, Jambhulkar R K, Tale A, Correlation of Thyroid Hormones with FSH, LH and Prolactin in Infertility in the Reproductive Age Group Women. Int J Clin Biochem Res 2015;2(4):216-222

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